About MilletStats.com


About us

Millets (sorghum, pearl millet and small millets) are the important food and fodder crops in semi-arid regions and are predominantly gaining more importance in a world that is increasingly becoming populous, malnourished, and facing large climatic uncertainties. United National General Assembly (UNGA) has declared 2023 as International Year of Millets by a resolution sponsored by India along with the co-sponsorship of seventy nations This provides an opportunity to raise awareness and engage in direct policy action, both nationally and internationally.

 As India is spearheading this global initiative in the run up to celebrate the international years of millets in 2023. There are various challenges before us to bring-forth a concrete analysis without a comprehensive database on millets pertaining to area, production, productivity, cost of cultivation, minimum support price, consumption pattern and exports and imports of millets. This calls for the need of data on millets under a single plat form.

An attempt has been made to make available the data on millets from different secondary sources and consolidated through this platform developed as part of the national project “Development of National Database on and establishing benchmarks for production, consumption, and utilization of millets” headed by Dr B Dayakar Rao, Principal Investigator of the Project, and Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad.

The financial support to the project by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare is highly acknowledged in this regard.


Project Team

Lead Center

Principal Investigator

Dr B Dayakar Rao

Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIMR; CEO, Nutrihub.

Co-Principal Investigators

Dr C.V. Rathnavati,

Director (Acting), ICAR-IIMR

Dr Venkateshwarulu

Scientist, ICAR-IIMR

Dr Mukesh

Scientist, ICAR-IIMR

Dr Anuradha Narala

Scientist, ICAR-IIMR

Co-ordinating Centers

CC-Principal Investigator

Dr K Suhasini

Professor & University Head, Department of Agricultural Economics

Co-Principal Investigators

Dr Seema,

Associate Dean, College of Agriculture

Dr G.P. Sunandini

FO and Principal Scientist (CCS)

Dr P Radhika

Associate Professor MABM

CC-Principal Investigator

Dr Alka Singh

Principal Scientist IARI

Co-Principal Investigators

Dr Anbukkani

Scientist IARI

Dr G K Jha

Scientist IARI

Dr Utkasrh Tiwari

Scientist IARI

Dr Asha Devi

Scientist IARI

CC-Principal Investigator

Dr Venkatesha Palanichamy

Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Economics

Co-Principal Investigators

Dr A Rohini

Associate Professor (ARM)

Dr M Shanthasheela

Associate Professor (ARM)

Dr D Murugananthi

Associate Professor (ARM)

Dr M Chandrakumar

Associate Professor (ARM)

Dr V M Indumathi

Associate Professor (ARM)