Pearl Millet (Bajra)

Millet Statistics

Pearl Millet (Bajra) Production in India

Pearl Millet (Bajra) production stood at 92.09 lakh metric tonnes from the cultivated area of 74.81 Lakh hectares in the year 2017-18.

Pearl Millet (Bajra) Exports from India

India exported 59.85 Lakh Tonnes of Pearl Millet (Bajra) in the year 2019-20.

Leading States in Pearl Millet (Bajra) Production in India

Rajasthan accounts for 44% of Pearl Millet (Bajra) produced in India. UP, Haryana, Maharashtra, & Gujarat are the next major producers contributing 15%. 11.4%, 10.8%, & 10.5% respectively.

Cost of Cultivation of Pearl Millet (Bajra)